Monday 23 July 2012

Ghormeh Sabzi

The history of Ghormeh Sabzi dates back to at least 500–1000 years. Boy oh boy did they have exquisite taste  back then. A slow cooked stew made up of lamb muscle, herbs and pinto beans.....historical gourmet food at its finest.


Herb mixture

10 bunches of fresh chives
8 bunches of fresh parsley
2 bunches of fresh coriander
1 small bunch of fresh spinach
1 handful of dried fenugreek

Half cup of pinto beans (soaked overnight)
1 kilo lamb muscle with or without bone
2 loomi's
Fresh lemon juice
2 big onions 
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon cinnamon and a bit for later
Black Pepper 


Wash and dry all the fresh herbs and chop very very finely. Fry with a little oil adding the fenugreek, stirring for 20 mins, once mixture is cooled set aside. Sweat the onions with a little cooking oil and add the lamb, turmeric, cinnamon, salt, pepper, pinto beans and herb mixture. Stir for 5 minutes and add 2 cups of water, letting the stew gently cook for 2 to 3 hours on very low heat. Add the loomi, fresh lemon juice and continue to cook for another hour. Serve with white rice and raw onions. 

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