Monday 13 August 2012

Love is........

When my mother makes a separate skewer of tomatoes for my 2 year old nephew. Bless


Suess said...

Appetizing photo! Could you please post a recipe for a good kofta? I remember one that ended up in disaster. The meat literally fell off the skewers and into the coal. I lost my entire batch!!! T_T

LifestyleShenanigans said...


Thank you. The key to cooking the perfect kabab is not to have the charcoal roaring and to flip the skewers every 30-40 seconds. I also believe rubbing the meat for a good 10 minutes before shaping it on the skewer really does makes a difference. I posted a kabab recipe today where you can add your herbs,tomatoes, etc to make a Kofta. To be honest Kofta is the only kabab we don't make in our house. Let me know about your second attempt.