Tuesday 7 August 2012

Sambosa with Potato

Getting bored with the usual cheese or meat sambosa fillings this Ramadan, I thought of this potato filling today that worked really well. A great way to spice things up and introduce something new to the dinner table.


Sambosa sheets
2 potatoes
1 large onion chopped into small squares
Handful of chopped coriander
3 small mild green chilies chopped finely
White pepper to taste
Black pepper to taste
Salt to taste
3-4 tablespoons cooking oil to fry onions
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 
More cooking oil to fry sambosa

Sealing dough:

1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup water 


Fry the onions in cooking oil until golden brown, place on kitchen paper to absorb oil.
Boil the potatoes and remove skin. Place in a big bowl and add salt, white pepper, black pepper, chopped chilies, caramelized onions, coriander, and cinnamon. Mash all ingredients together and place 1/2 tablespoon on sambosa sheet and roll into triangular shape. Make a paste by mixing the flour and water together. Seal sambosa's with paste. Heat oil on low to medium heat, place 3-4 sambosa's at a time, fry slowly until golden brown. Place on kitchen paper to absorb oil.

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