Wednesday 22 August 2012

Kale is King

I finally found kale in Lulu hypermarket the other day and well, got so overexcited I bought the entire stock! Everyday I drink a juice cleanse drink of beetroot, ginger, apple and carrot and now will include kale in my daily cleanse routine. For those that aren't familiar with kale it is an antioxidant that is very high is beta- carotene believed to help fight cancer and heart disease and certain age related chronic diseases. Being very high with vital vitamins such as absorbed calcium, it helps prevent osteoporosis this superfood has it all.

Betroot Ginger Kale Shake:

1 beetroot peeled
1 1/2 inch peeled fresh ginger
1 small apple
1 carrot
Handful of kale

Juice all the above and pour in a glass with ice. Drink immediately. You can substitute pears instead of apples for variety.

Can't wait to try it with fresh spinach.

I also made kale chips for the first time which turned out really delicious, crunchy and a fantastic conversation starter when entertaining. I simply preheated my oven to 200 Celsius, washed and dried the kale, tore the leaves from the stalk put them on a oven tray, drizzled a tiny bit of olive oil and sea salt and let it bake for 10 min. 

Be warned though, you need at least two bunches of kale to make a medium size bowl of chips.

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