Sunday 5 August 2012

Green Bean Rice

What you seek is seeking you.


Lubia Polo or Green Bean Rice when eaten and truly enjoyed, can be defined as pure whimsy on a plate. I don't know a soul that doesn't love this dish. Chunks of lamb cooked in a tomatoe sauce with green beans and then added layered with rice, saffron and spices. Best eaten with a cool and refreshing yogurt, cucumber dip, gorgeous friends and family.


6 onions chopped finely into half moon
1 lamb shoulder cut into big chunks
1 kilo green beans cut into small pieces
3 cups of rice
5-6 big beefy tomatoes 
3 tablespoons of tomato paste
White pepper
Very small pinch of chili flakes
Black pepper
1 tablespoon Iranian spices 
Fresh lemon juice 
Half stick of butter
5 tablespoons of cooking oil 
2 large potatoes 
Caramelized onions to garnish
2 cups of water


Saute the onions in 2 tablespoons of cooking oil adding the meat, spices, pepper, cinnamon until brown. Add the 2 cups of water and let to cook slowly for 2 hours. 
Remove the skin of the tomatoes with the seeds and chop very finely and add to meat and cook for a further 30 mins.
Soak the rice in water and add salt.
Stir fry the green beans in saucepan for 5 mins and add to the meat and tomatoes. In a separate saucepan add the tomato paste with a tablespoon of butter and add salt, chili flakes, Iranian spices and lemon juice. Add to meat and tomatoes.

Cook for another 15 minutes and set aside.

In a big cooking pot, bring water to boil adding more salt and add the rice until the water starts to boil again. Let the rice cook for 5 minutes and drain rinsing with water. 

Peel potatoes and cut to into quarter inch pieces. 

In the same cooking pot the rice was boiled, add cooking oil and layer the potatoes. Start layering rice, then tomato and meat mixture, repeat until finished. Sprinkle with saffron and cinnamon and cut remainder of butter into chunks and add to rice. 

Cook on medium heat for 10 minutes and reduce to low for 40 to 60 minutes.

Garnish with caramelized onions. 

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