Saturday 11 August 2012

Dried Lime

Dried limes, Black limes or Loomi is used in almost all Middle Eastern dishes. They are strong in flavor, somewhat smoky and sour. Perfect for stews, meat dishes, fish, chicken, rice, you get the picture. 

My mother took a slight culinary risk a couple years back and decided to make her own dried limes, only because she was fed up with the quality of store bought ones. She simply bought ripe juicy limes laid them out in the scorching sun for 2 weeks and the result was fabulous. Very aromatic, and most importantly not bitter! It also makes the most fragrant tea, just pierce a couple of dried limes and brew in hot boiling water for a couple of minutes.     

I did some research and apparently, dried lime is boiled with salt water and then laid out to dry, I did not know this. This version is just as good, with the abundance of sunshine we have in Kuwait. Limes are now in season and can be found at all supermarkets. Try it out and let me know what you think!

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