Thursday 6 September 2012

Schiacciata Alla Fiorentina

Schiacciata Alla Fiorentina , carnival cake or Florentine sponge cake is made during Easter time in Italy. It's very light, aromatic and so easy to prepare. I decided to make it when I was watching an episode of "Extra Virgin" on Food network when Gabriele makes it for Debi after a long day. I just love watching those two cook delicious meals together. They are so happy and loving with each other it just makes you smile. This cake is perfect with your afternoon tea.

Recipe adapted from Extra Virgin:

1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
3/4 cups sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons baking powder
Zest and juice of 1 orange
3 large eggs
1 cup warm full fat milk
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
Icing sugar for decorating
Butter for baking tray

Cooking Utensil:

 9 by 13 inch baking tray (I found one in Lakeland-Marina Mall)


Preheat oven to 190 Celsius and butter the baking tray.

In a large bowl mix all the ingredients with a whisk for 3 to 4 minutes. Pour mixture into baking tray and cook for 25-30 minutes. Let the cake to cool for 30 minutes on the kitchen counter and dust with icing sugar.


GermanicNorth said...

Man, that looks delicious!

Since you're doing desserts now, could you try a crunchy desert I once had called a "pistachio sansrival" and let me know how it goes?

LifestyleShenanigans said...


Thank you! I looked up pistachio sansrival and it looks amazing. Will give it a try soon!