Wednesday 26 September 2012

Feed the Thighs

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well

                                                                                                        -Virginia Woolf

I heartily concur, on all levels. A meal may feed your hunger pangs, but those favorite snacks, whatever they may be, that you can't stop thinking about, the sound of an annoying alarm going red in your head that won't stop until you satisfy your naughty intuition........get my drift?

Below are just some of my beloved snacks that I cannot live without that feed the thighs and make everything seem ok even for a mere 5 minutes.  


1. The infamous Pufak....... your fingers must be left reeking of processed puff cheese and be licked one by one.

2. Oreo cookie......I only like the original one and don't have a technique of eating it, just pop the sucker in and enjoy!

3. Snickers favorite chocolate bar, I cut the bar into bite size portions and eat throughout the day, justifying that its a fun size bite it can't be that bad..... pathetic I know. 

4. KDD Thahab ice has lost its golden touch over the years with the new bland tasting waffle cone and "squeeze your eyes you can see those almonds" but its a childhood favorite. 

5. Orange Lolly...... artificial color, sugar, orange lust, hey what more does a girl need?

6. Nutella: spooned straight from the jar, always room temperature........ fertilizer for the thighs.

7. Chunky peanut butter.......always makes me happy, its partially healthy. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. 

8. Ritz crackers with Kraft scandalous, so naughty, it really hits the spot. Trailer park fine dining at its best.  

9. Gummy bears......These babies are from Dean and Deluca I bought a while ago and have a small stash left, so plastic so fantastic. 

Will feature more of my favorite snacks later but please do share yours!

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