Thursday 4 July 2013

Song of the day

Odd Encounters Vol.3

I accompanied a friend to International Clinic super early in the morning the other day. We were in the pharmacy where my friend was getting her prescription, where I noticed a tiny pink package "Good Feeling Pill". I asked my friend if she knew what it was and she shrugged and we laughed and what it could be..........
Wait its gonna get better, my friend then holds the pink mysterious package in the pharmacist's face and asks him what these pills are used for? I noticed he quickly looked to the floor, and smiled uncomfortably, while we kept questioning him what these magic pink wonder pills do. He finally cleared his throat, and goes "This pill is for the vagina". I froze right there, turned to my friend and say "I am going to cringe, let's leave, RIGHT NOW".

How does this pill work? You pop one and your little lady is in Cabo? Has anyone heard of this pill? Anyone in the medical field know about this pill? Anyone currently using this pill and want to share their experience? I am so curious.

Monday 1 July 2013

Shite List

1. The rude staff at Pinkberry madam you have to stand at the other counter to get a sample of this flavor......shove it.

2. My current obsession of drawing eyeliner every morning......flick and all.

3. Downing my green juice in the morning, followed by a plate of fries for lunch.......disaster.

Song of the day


There always comes a time in ones life where you have a conversation with someone and they make a comment so odd that you wonder is it an insult wrapped in a compliment? If you dig deep enough was there ever a compliment? Was it the language barrier?

The following conversation happened recently:

After a fun fulled day on a boat, my friend whatapps the host the next day to thank her.

Friend: Thank you so much for yesterday it was great fun
Host: You are most welcome
Friend: Your sister and yourself are mashallah very fit and athletic
Host: Thank you, you have body like bimbo too!

Anyone have a funny story to share?

Friday 21 June 2013

Mashed Potato Balls

This idea came to me a while ago, and I finally executed it with flying colors. The mashed potato formula is an old family favorite my mother wipes up all the time. I just jazzed it up using panko, homemade breadcrumbs and eggs. Delicious as a light snack and oh so good with hot sauce! If anyone does make this, please let me know your thoughts.


2 potato's peeled
1 onion cut half moon
Small handful chopped parsley and tarragon
2 tablespoons of butter
1 green chili chopped finely
Salt and pepper to taste
1 egg beaten
1 cup panko
1/2 cup breadcrumbs


Cook the potato under tender, fry the onion until golden brown and drain on kitchen towel. Mash the potato with a ricer. In a frying pan heat the butter and add the potato, chili, onion and season with salt and pepper. Lightly stir for 5 min until the potato turns into a golden brown color, set aside. Assemble the eggs, panko mixed with breadcrumbs, parsley and tarragon in separate bowls. Make the potato mixture into golf size balls and dip into the eggs and panko/breacrumbs/herbs and shallow fry until golden. Serve warm.

Brilliant Idea

We are all guilty of using our phones when we are not meant too, while sitting with friends, behind the car, first thing when we wake up, while we eat (the dirty looks I get from my mom are priceless), I should stop.

Enter the Salve Jorge Bar in Sao Paulo Brazil, where they have introduced the offline glass to help focus on their friends, rather then their phones. Here is how it works, when you order your drink, the only way the glass will stand up straight is if you rest it on your phone. Hands free for a couple may seem scary, but I just love the idea!!

Check out the video  

Eye Candy

I wear makeup everyday, I find it a necessity and to be honest, l look like crap without it. I am also quite religious about removing it every night. I have bought and tried every eye makeup remover, wipe, oil under the sun and was always left unsatisfied until I discovered Bioderma's Sensibio. It's soothing, non irritating and really does remove every ounce of makeup you have piled on. Soak on cotton pads and leave it to rest on your eyes for a good 10-15 seconds and gently wipe away. Available at Boots.

Has anyone tried this bad boy out? Thoughts? Please share.

Song of the day

Shite List

1. The fact that I took a two hour nap's 2:21 am and I can't sleep.

2. Ribs and Dumps...............I will never eat there again.......vile just vile.

3. The selfish cow outside Harvey Nichols valet......making the valet guy stand in the scorching heat for over 15 minutes while she chatted on the phone inside her car, applied lipstick and fixed her hair........speechless.

4. The fossil that screamed at me this week in Al-Razi hospital, preaching that it's haram to show off my arms........don't be a hater.

Anger to share? Anyone?

Sunday 16 June 2013

Odd Encounters Vol. 2

My computer at work has been giving me a headache lately and finally managed to find someone who can really fix it without ripping me off. I didn't meet him as he came and took my computer when I was not in the office.
This very odd conversation happened in the morning the day after he collected my computer (I had 2 missed calls from a random landline)

Me: Calling back the random number
Ring Ring
Stranger: Hello
Me: Yes, hello I have two missed calls from you
Stranger: Ah, yes Layla, this is Omran
Me: Oh, hi I didn't have your office number
Creepy computer guy: Were you sleeping?
Me: Excuse me? (in a bitchy tone)
Creepy computer guy: Yes I have your computer fixed
Me: Bring it back to the office immediately

What is wrong with people?

Song of the day

I'm baaaaaack!

Hello out there! I know I have been MIA for a while, no excuse really, well I do blame instagram just a tad. How is everyone doing?

I have been viewing ALOT of makeup tutorials, late nights when everyone else is asleep and to my surprise people are constantly raving about the new Guerlain BB cream.

I went ahead and bought it in medium, (it only comes in two shades, light and medium). It applies very creamy but dries quickly onto the skin giving a beautiful glowly coverage. I reviewed the Dior BB cream a while ago and have to say this one is my new favorite. It has SPF 30 for perfect protection during the hot summer months ahead of us and best of all it was very light and sunk into my skin as soon as I applied it. Use with either a sponge or fingers. Highly recommended. Price KD 20.500

Sunday 14 April 2013

She's Fresh!

Embrace yourself, as the new fabulous Etoile boutique has open in Kuwait. Situated in the grand avenues, it exudes a fresh sense of brands, featuring Amanda Navai, Herve Leger, Colette Dinigham and best of all Cire Trvdon candles. There were a wide range of summer dresses to evening gowns, clutches and beautiful sandals. A definite recommended visit! 

Monday 8 April 2013

Song of the day

Fennel and Mushroom Salad

As summer is kicking us in the rear end, I made this crisp, fresh tangy salad yesterday. Taken from the show "French food at home", the salad gives off a lovely licorice smell infused with the shallots, so French, so chic!


1 shallot chopped finely
6 mushrooms sliced thinly
1 small fennel chopped thinly
Small bunch of parsley
Zest of one lemon
Zest of one orange
Lemon juice
4 tablespoons vinegar
Parmesan shavings

In a small bowl add the vinegar to the shallots and let it rest for 10 minutes. Assemble all the ingredients into a bowl, drain the vinegar adding the shallots, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Add the Parmesan shavings and mix well.   Easy and really fresh.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Song of the day

Omelette with herbs

I made up this omelette years ago on a cold London winter morning and to my surprise turned out too good to be true that i make it as a special treat from time to time. The trick is to use room temperature eggs, season after the omelette has set and not to overpower it with loads of the fresh herbs. Serve with warm toasted bread. Made from love.

P.S. Feel free to add your own spark such as hot sauce, sauteed mushrooms, the list is endless.


Eggs (room temperature)
Small handful of fresh chopped:
Small knob of butter
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper


Break the eggs into a bowl add the fresh herbs and beat with an egg lightly. Heat the butter in a frying pan over medium to high heat. Pour the egg mixture into the melted butter and from time to time fold the egg with a rubber spatula to give a fluffy consistency. Season well with sea salt and pepper. Serve with toast, or any bread you fancy.

Jimmy I am too lazy to do my job Choo

The following conversation took place this morning:

Me: Dialing the Jimmy Choo boutique in Avenues Prestige
Ring Ring
Jimmy Choo: Arabic speaking sales assistant-Good Morning Jimmy Choo
Me: Good morning, do you have the pathos wedge shoes?
Jimmy Choo: No
Me: Are you sure? My mother just tried them on 3 days ago
Jimmy Choo: Errrrrrrr, I will check
Me: Holding on
Jimmy Choo: Nope we only have X and Y shoe
Me: But we tried it on in your store, can you check again?
Jimmy Choo: Handing the phone to the filipino sales assistant
Jimmy Choo: Yes maaam, we have the shoe you are looking for
Me: Then why is your colleague too lazy to check and immediately says no when I asked her?
Jimmy Choo: Sorry maaaaaam, she thought you meant the other shoes
Me: No, I had to ask her twice, then delegated it to you, she is a very lousy sales assistant
Jimmy Choo: Sorry madam, we have the shoe, what size would you like?
Me: Sigh, do you have x size?

I don't understand how when everything is computerized, Jimmy Choo is a luxury brand then why be that lazy that you can't even do your job properly?

Has anyone had an issue with them before? Please share.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Song of the day

The pits

Its the time of the year I most dread, summer is looming and what does that bring folks? Wet, damp armpits.    Arghhhhhh. My mission is to find a new deodorant that will remotely help with these problem areas. Rausch was being shoved down my throat at Boots the other day by a pushing saleslady, I decided to buy it just to get rid of her and try it out something new. The results so far, even though we haven't reached 40 plus degrees? Very impressive, no odor and gentle on the skin. Priced at 7.500 KD. Highly recommended.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Shite List

1. Not having tried Elevation burger was amazing!

2. Grey's Anatomy season 9...........Shonda Rhimes, get on it and write proper lines!!


As you may have guessed it, I am a supermarket junkie. I love browsing the isles, looking for spankin new goodies. I was in Lulu yesterday and spotted half and half, I haven't really used it, but whenever it was needed in a recipe I couldn't find it till now. Yooohoooo

Another great item I spotted recently was Irish oatmeal at Dean and Deluca. They are delish, having ordered them for years on Amazon, I can now buy them locally. Rejoice! 

Song of the day

Monday 11 March 2013

Holding on to love

A widow's wish to hear her late husband's voice has prompted London Underground to restore a 40 year old recording of the subway's famous "mind the gap" announcement.
Margeret McCollum can now hear her husband's Oswald Lawerence voice every time she takes the tube. How beautiful and sad is this story? Anything to hold on to someone you love. Bless 

Read more here

Song of the day

Sultan Center amping up

Browsing around Sultan Center this morning, I noticed they had stocked posh jam and marmalade from Harrods. Has anyone tried them out? Quite pricey if you ask me.

Monday 18 February 2013

Song of the day

Odd Encounters

The following conversation took place recently when I went to have insoles fitted for my trainers:

Dr: Try them on they will feel weird at first but you have to wear them whenever you exercise
Me: I will try my best, you know Dr., my ankle sprain was the worst thing to that could have happened
Dr. Are you married?
Me: No
Dr. Ok, when you get married, that will be the worst thing to ever happen to you. I have been married for 20 years, and I have the right to say that!
Me: Stunned, slowly got up thanked her and left!

Thursday 31 January 2013

Shite List

1. Men carrying their wives handbags, strolling in the malls..............are you serious?

2. The disgusting amount of sugar I have eaten this week.............sigh.

Anger? Anyone?

Song of the day

The Yard

Last night I popped around to the opening of The Yard, and what a delight it was. It is located inside Q Cafe in Kuwait City. Filled with unique and beautiful bits and pieces such as frames, clutches, jewelry, planning books, chairs, plates, camera straps which I bought etc, this original boutique is beyond charming. There were so many things I was eyeing to buy on my next visit, and lucky for me it is located right behind my office! Good luck to the two stunning and talented ladies behind this concept. A definite visit is a must.  

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Song of the day

Pure Crack from Switzerland

I don't know how to describe Laderach's honey milk chocolate but there is definitely something in it that makes you gobble the block, the way a sneaky chubby kid eats his way through anything he can at fat camp.   I am not even a fan of milk chocolate, but this is something special. I first tried it at a baby reception, and have been hooked ever since. It literally melts in your mouth, not too sweet but so creamy dreamy. Get your crack fix on!

Laderach is located at Omnia Mall in Salmiya.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Song of the day

Calling all Size 37's

Are you a size 37? Please ruuuunnnnnnnnnnn to Comfort Shoe in Maryam Complex and buy these chic and most importantly last pair of comfy patent Giuseppe Zanotti shoes for only 50KD, originally 180KD! I was so bummed they were a size too big for me, perfect for work, when you need to walk around the mall looking fab and that the fact they are bloody 50KD! Someone please buy them.

Monday 28 January 2013

Song of the day

Vintage Finds

Last winter, I traveled to FREEZING Mashad on a memorable trip where I came across an antique shop so unique that a documentary should be made of it. The owner a very old grumpy man sits by the door and does not allow anyone in unless he feels that you will buy a piece of history. Even when he does let you in, he analyzes you for a while makes sure you aren't wasting his time, then brings out the most beautiful antiques one can only imagine. No Joke. 

This vintage vest was one item that caught my eye, and literally had to beg him to let me try it on. I fell in love with it as soon I snatched it of his hands then haggled and haggled until he gave up. I love how one item of clothing brings such sweet memories.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Song of the day

Jelly Pedicure

I experienced the weirdest pedicure yesterday at Betty Boop Salon. It was the Jelly Pedicure, and felt so squidgy and fun to dip your feet into! It was my first time at Betty Boop and was amazed how big and how much they offer. A full on spa/salon, all themed with sexy Betty. Their mani/pedi was fantastic, they take their time, take away your cuticles and have your nails looking brand spankin new. Has anyone else tried this pedicure? What did you think? 

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Shite List

1. More flower headbands, ENOUGH!!!!!!
2. Salons rushing to do your hair in under 20 minutes? Whatever happened to taking your time? More customers more dough I disappointed.

Spring Rolls

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

                                                                                     Dr. Suess

It's been a while since I have posted a recipe! I have missed it. These spring rolls are one of the first things I ever learned to make back in high school. They are very fast, light and so fragrant....filled with ginger, garlic, five spice. The main vegetables I use are Chinese mushrooms which give a lovely earthy taste followed cabbage,carrots and bean sprouts for crunch. You can always add diced chicken or prawns if you fancy. Let me know what you think.


1 large carrot peeled and shredded
1 cup shredded white cabbage
4 garlic cloves crushed
Ginger the size of your thumb peeled and finely grated
8-10 dried Chinese mushrooms soaked for 30 min in boiling water cut into small pieces (reserve 2 tablespoons of water for cooking)
4 spring onions finely chopped
2 big handfuls of bean sprout
1 teaspoon five spice blend
1 large spoonful of oyster sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons peanut oil
1 packet spring roll sheets

Sealing paste:

1 tablespoon corn starch
2 tablespoons water


In a wok or large frying pan heat the peanut oil adding the ginger, garlic, spring onion, mushrooms, carrots and cabbage. Stir for 30 seconds and add the soy sauce, five spice, oyster sauce, mushroom broth and sesame oil. Quickly toss for half a minute and take off heat, you want your veg to be crunchy. Once the mixture cools add the bean sprout and mix well.
Prepare your sealing paste by mixing the corn starch and water set aside.
Take 2 sheets of the spring roll pastry and put a teaspoon of the mixture and roll into shape sealing with the paste. You can store these in the freezer laying wax paper in between each layer. I had a disaster last time with kitchen towel paper!
Once ready to eat heat frying oil on high heat and test the temperature by placing a tiny piece of bread to see if the oil is hot enough. If it sizzles and comes to the surface, the oil is ready. Place the spring rolls in the hot oil and turn down the temperature to medium heat. Once the spring rolls become golden brown remove and place on kitchen roll to absorb the oil. Arrange on serving dish and serve with sweet chili sauce.

Song of the day

Monday 21 January 2013


Just some lovely threads I really loved on netapoter.


 Isabel Marant

Dolce & Gabbana

Song of the day

Brush Brush Brush

 I picked up this gorgeous blush brush from Dolce Gabbana at Harvey Nichols and its a definite keeper. I did a bit of research and found out that their brushes are a collaboration with world renowned makeup artist Pat McGrath! Made of goat and sable hair it applies the right amount of blush to the cheeks, to give a rosy finish. I can't recommend it enough! Price 16 KD.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Dior BB Creme

As BB Creme's have become the cool kids in town I had to see what the hype was for myself. I did a little research online and read alot of recommendations for the Dior Hydra Creme. It comes in a pump tube and a little bit goes a long way. The best thing about it is that is packed with vitamins, high SPF and doesn't fade out by the end of the day. It has a matte consistency, so you don't have to worry about shine, I have to say the only negative remark is that it comes in only one color. It gives you a very light even tone and smells quite yummy. Highly Recommended, a break from tinted moisturizers and foundations. 

Song of the day

Rahash Tart

Yesterday my family gathered at our house for lunch and me wanting a fabulous dessert, I decided to visit 21 Carrots in Al-Hamra. I had been a couple times, although never bought anything from them, but loved everything I saw, I picked the Rahash Tart. CHA CHING!!!!! It was out of this world. If you are a fan of rahash this is the baby for you! Unbelievable. A delicious flaky crust with chocolate topped with soft gooey rahash......yum. Highly recommended. I cant wait to go home and eat what is remaining! Tel: 22270280

Saturday 19 January 2013

Cheater's Rejoice!

Are you someone that just can't stay faithful? Love playing the game? It's ok, we all have our faults, wink wink! TaaaaaDaaaaa introducing the Fujitsu F-series aka "infidelity phones", that have potent privacy features that makes it virtually impossible to snoop around into emails, texts, and calls. This phone is Bambi in disguise, sadly its only available in Japan.


Song of the day

Shite List

1. Flower Headbands???.....what is going on? Please make this fade fast......very fast.

2. The sleazy shop assistant in Zanotti 360........taking my OWN shoes while I try on a pair of boots and laughing about......don't go there.

Monday 7 January 2013

Song of the day

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year Everyone!

What did everyone get up too? I had a very relaxing night with friends.

Any resolutions?

I do have a couple, but to be honest they are more lessons I have learned this year and want to try and inject into my daily life.

1. Don't be quick to judge someone you REALLY don't know......

2. Keep in touch with friends, and make new friends

3. Stop eating so much processed sugar

4. Stop the road rage.........