Tuesday 13 November 2012

Crusty Eggs

Late LATE last night I couldn't sleep, frustrated I began flipping through the telly and came across an episode of Unique Eats on the food network, when an interesting feature on a restaurant in New York (can't remember the name) was talked about. The one main dish that is was known for was a Panko, Almond and Parmesan cheese hard boiled egg. It sounded so odd yet interesting, so as soon as woke back up I whipped it up and volla it was good. I served it on a bed of grilled portobello mushrooms.

Side note: Please excuse the quality of this picture, I am going to start using a proper camera from now! Promise!


2-4 eggs
1 egg white
Big handful of panko
2 tablespoons ground almond
2 tablespoons grated parmesan
1 cup grape-seed oil
1 portobello mushroom


Boil your eggs to your liking but not less than 6 minutes, remove and peel. In a bowl lightly whisk an egg white set aside. In another bowl add the panko, ground almond and Parmesan  Dip the hard boiled egg into the egg white mixture and into the panko mixture and repeat. Heat the oil  in a pan and once hot fry the egg until golden brown. Drain on kitchen towel, serve with grilled mushroom (optional) and season with more salt and pepper. Hot sauce is delish with this crispy delight.


Mannor673 said...

I hate boiled eggs, but that does look tasty.

Gonna try to get my girlfriend make some tonight.

LifestyleShenanigans said...

Please let me know how they turned out if she make them! Hot sauce is a major must with this dish.