Sunday 16 December 2012

Customer Service

Recently I bought a Tom Ford lipstick (Sable Smoke) from Debenhams in Avenues, go home apply it and it smells stale. You know old lipstick that just smells funky? I have never had a stench problem with Tom Ford lipsticks before, so a couple of days later I go back to avenues march up to the Tom Ford makeup, well lipstick counter and explain the problem to the saleslady. 
None of the other sample lipsticks had a funky odor expect of this one particular color. She shrugged her shoulders and said sorry we can't change it, I told her to find a new one and I want to smell it. She found the "last one" and opened it and volla it didn't smell, but still refused to change it. I asked for the manager, his name was Ghazi such a lovely man, I explained to him my problem, he asked me if the new one does not have the smell, I said no, handed me the brand new lipstick. No drama, nothing. Thank you homeboy Ghazi, your a star. 

                                                                photo credit: Tom Ford

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