Sunday 14 October 2012


Does anyone remember Barakat as a child? I used to visit this store on a weekly basis sometimes growing up, buying needlepoint thread embroidery, paint, knitting yarn, crochet materials, etc. I was in the Salmiya area last week and decided to pop in and revisit my childhood. Nothing much has changed, they have added a section for Swarovski Crystals, where you can pick and choose jewelry stones, crystal beads or ready made transfer hot fix crystals for garments and accessories. Funny how these sweet things used to keep me company, while its all about phones, phones and more phones these days. Sigh.

Knit one, pearl one

Needlework canvas



Needlework threads

Array of paints 


1 comment:

Suess said...

I love this place!

Great for discovering new hobbies and keeping the old ones alive. :)