Friday 5 October 2012

Shite List

My shite list this week is narrowed down to only one sore sucker: X-cite by Alghanim Electronics. Let me shorthand my rant: 4 weeks ago I purchased a TV and a stand only to discover the stand was wonky and wouldn't close properly, I called them, below is my telephone conversation with them on Monday:

Me: Holding on as the I push the option 2 to speak to someone for English
X-cite: Alo
Me: Hello, good afternoon I bought a TV stand that needs to be repaired, can you please send someone to my house?
X-cite: Samsung
Me: No a TV stand
X-cite: Call again extension 103
Me: Excuse me? No, do you speak English?
X-Cite: No
Me: Give me your manager
X-cite: errrrrr
X-cite: Hello, yes can I help you?
Me: Do you speak English?
X-cite: Yes madam
Me: Why do you have the option of English, if the person cannot speak English?
X-cite: I apologize madam
Me: Ok I need someone to come to my house and repair my TV stand
X-cite: Please give me the invoice number
Me: Blah blah
X-cite: I am sorry madam but we don't repair any items other than TV's, washing machines, dryers, etc.
Me: So what do you expect me to do with my TV stand?
X-cite: Take it to any repair shop they can fix, sorry but we don't fix
Me: IN RAGE.......Give me your manager right now!
X-cite: Hold on madam
X-cite (same person): Ok we can fix, we will come to your house in 48 hours, thank you very much
Me: Where is your manager?
X-cite: In meeting.
Me: What is your name?
X-cite: Meena
Me: Ok thank you

It is now Friday, no one came to our house, called to explain why, nada.
Am going to X-cite tomorrow in Al-Rai and give them hell.
Will blog about it tomorrow............

Does anyone have anger to release?


Mannor673 said...

Yeah, I feel you. Sometimes their customer service sucks real bad.

Did you eventually do there and sort them out?

LifestyleShenanigans said...


Hello Hello! Well I did call them back and they "don't know" why hadn't sent anyone till now! They said they would send someone ASAP. Will wait....I agree their customer service is the pits.