Friday 21 June 2013

Mashed Potato Balls

This idea came to me a while ago, and I finally executed it with flying colors. The mashed potato formula is an old family favorite my mother wipes up all the time. I just jazzed it up using panko, homemade breadcrumbs and eggs. Delicious as a light snack and oh so good with hot sauce! If anyone does make this, please let me know your thoughts.


2 potato's peeled
1 onion cut half moon
Small handful chopped parsley and tarragon
2 tablespoons of butter
1 green chili chopped finely
Salt and pepper to taste
1 egg beaten
1 cup panko
1/2 cup breadcrumbs


Cook the potato under tender, fry the onion until golden brown and drain on kitchen towel. Mash the potato with a ricer. In a frying pan heat the butter and add the potato, chili, onion and season with salt and pepper. Lightly stir for 5 min until the potato turns into a golden brown color, set aside. Assemble the eggs, panko mixed with breadcrumbs, parsley and tarragon in separate bowls. Make the potato mixture into golf size balls and dip into the eggs and panko/breacrumbs/herbs and shallow fry until golden. Serve warm.

Brilliant Idea

We are all guilty of using our phones when we are not meant too, while sitting with friends, behind the car, first thing when we wake up, while we eat (the dirty looks I get from my mom are priceless), I should stop.

Enter the Salve Jorge Bar in Sao Paulo Brazil, where they have introduced the offline glass to help focus on their friends, rather then their phones. Here is how it works, when you order your drink, the only way the glass will stand up straight is if you rest it on your phone. Hands free for a couple may seem scary, but I just love the idea!!

Check out the video  

Eye Candy

I wear makeup everyday, I find it a necessity and to be honest, l look like crap without it. I am also quite religious about removing it every night. I have bought and tried every eye makeup remover, wipe, oil under the sun and was always left unsatisfied until I discovered Bioderma's Sensibio. It's soothing, non irritating and really does remove every ounce of makeup you have piled on. Soak on cotton pads and leave it to rest on your eyes for a good 10-15 seconds and gently wipe away. Available at Boots.

Has anyone tried this bad boy out? Thoughts? Please share.

Song of the day

Shite List

1. The fact that I took a two hour nap's 2:21 am and I can't sleep.

2. Ribs and Dumps...............I will never eat there again.......vile just vile.

3. The selfish cow outside Harvey Nichols valet......making the valet guy stand in the scorching heat for over 15 minutes while she chatted on the phone inside her car, applied lipstick and fixed her hair........speechless.

4. The fossil that screamed at me this week in Al-Razi hospital, preaching that it's haram to show off my arms........don't be a hater.

Anger to share? Anyone?

Sunday 16 June 2013

Odd Encounters Vol. 2

My computer at work has been giving me a headache lately and finally managed to find someone who can really fix it without ripping me off. I didn't meet him as he came and took my computer when I was not in the office.
This very odd conversation happened in the morning the day after he collected my computer (I had 2 missed calls from a random landline)

Me: Calling back the random number
Ring Ring
Stranger: Hello
Me: Yes, hello I have two missed calls from you
Stranger: Ah, yes Layla, this is Omran
Me: Oh, hi I didn't have your office number
Creepy computer guy: Were you sleeping?
Me: Excuse me? (in a bitchy tone)
Creepy computer guy: Yes I have your computer fixed
Me: Bring it back to the office immediately

What is wrong with people?

Song of the day

I'm baaaaaack!

Hello out there! I know I have been MIA for a while, no excuse really, well I do blame instagram just a tad. How is everyone doing?

I have been viewing ALOT of makeup tutorials, late nights when everyone else is asleep and to my surprise people are constantly raving about the new Guerlain BB cream.

I went ahead and bought it in medium, (it only comes in two shades, light and medium). It applies very creamy but dries quickly onto the skin giving a beautiful glowly coverage. I reviewed the Dior BB cream a while ago and have to say this one is my new favorite. It has SPF 30 for perfect protection during the hot summer months ahead of us and best of all it was very light and sunk into my skin as soon as I applied it. Use with either a sponge or fingers. Highly recommended. Price KD 20.500