Thursday 4 July 2013

Song of the day

Odd Encounters Vol.3

I accompanied a friend to International Clinic super early in the morning the other day. We were in the pharmacy where my friend was getting her prescription, where I noticed a tiny pink package "Good Feeling Pill". I asked my friend if she knew what it was and she shrugged and we laughed and what it could be..........
Wait its gonna get better, my friend then holds the pink mysterious package in the pharmacist's face and asks him what these pills are used for? I noticed he quickly looked to the floor, and smiled uncomfortably, while we kept questioning him what these magic pink wonder pills do. He finally cleared his throat, and goes "This pill is for the vagina". I froze right there, turned to my friend and say "I am going to cringe, let's leave, RIGHT NOW".

How does this pill work? You pop one and your little lady is in Cabo? Has anyone heard of this pill? Anyone in the medical field know about this pill? Anyone currently using this pill and want to share their experience? I am so curious.

Monday 1 July 2013

Shite List

1. The rude staff at Pinkberry madam you have to stand at the other counter to get a sample of this flavor......shove it.

2. My current obsession of drawing eyeliner every morning......flick and all.

3. Downing my green juice in the morning, followed by a plate of fries for lunch.......disaster.

Song of the day


There always comes a time in ones life where you have a conversation with someone and they make a comment so odd that you wonder is it an insult wrapped in a compliment? If you dig deep enough was there ever a compliment? Was it the language barrier?

The following conversation happened recently:

After a fun fulled day on a boat, my friend whatapps the host the next day to thank her.

Friend: Thank you so much for yesterday it was great fun
Host: You are most welcome
Friend: Your sister and yourself are mashallah very fit and athletic
Host: Thank you, you have body like bimbo too!

Anyone have a funny story to share?